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How to Make eBay Work

Us millennials are tired of working dead end jobs that keep us going in circles. Clocking into a 9 to 5 simply no longer serves us the way it did our respectable elders. Continuing to do the same thing over again and expect different results is literal madness. So, what are our options? There comes a time in adulting that one must decide to try different ways to reach the financial stability our grandparents keep talking about. Opening an eBay store is not another get rich quick gimmick or one of those pyramid schemes many of us have tried at least once.

An eBay store is a legitimate business and will take legitimate effort to be successful, but it will provide a way to get out of the endless cycle of not having enough financially to survive. How can you use your time to create a business using eBay and make it successful enough to be worth the time? A reseller can make this happen by learning to prioritize, creating a process that works best for them, setting goals and continuously educating themselves. What do I mean?


Seems like a no brainer, but many get so overwhelmed with life that things that are not important get treated like they are. Learn to prioritize your success. Evaluate your everyday activities and determine what sacrifices are necessary. Open windows of time in your schedule to work on your business. 30 minutes a day to start, it is still a start. Sourcing on your lunch break or using items from your home is still a start. A tiny bit of time will have positive results. Prioritizing doesn’t mean doing the most at once. Break up the duties of eBay to make the workload more manageable.

Create a Process

I personally have created a process that best suits me. Source, create listing in eBay, prep for pictures and finally take pictures and list. Life is hectic and that needs to be considered. I for example am a single mother of two children and value being present in my children’s lives. It does not suit my schedule to have a process that consumes my whole day, so I break my process up into days. Family obligations, current financial obligations and other responsibilities should be considered but are not excuses. Start this journey by doing what can be done and set goals.

Setting Goals

Setting goals will fuel the success and hold yourself accountable. Many millennials want desperately to be finically independent. Find your reason why and use it as the foundation for everything you do. Set production goals. Decide that you will list one item a day or complete one step in your process each day. As you start the journey toward your goals continue to check your progress. Being a successful reseller will not happen on autopilot. Make room for mistakes and improvement. Setting a goal or destination is useless unless you know how to get there.


Take initiative. Knowledge is power and does not always mean pulling out a book or sitting down to listen to a lecture. Education from YouTube University is perfect for resellers. I started my eBay business by watching other sellers on YouTube and learning alongside them. Knowing how to research inventory is important because you won’t make money from items no one wants. The eBay platform and the infinite wisdom of the internet is a priceless tool at our fingertips.


The desire to step out on a tad bit of faith must be large enough to push you to do something. If eBay is not a priority you will fail. Create a process to be efficient and mindful of other adulting needs. Set measurable goals for yourself and continue to nurture them by adjusting and improving. Take ownership of your business. There are no excuses to why most anyone can start an eBay store and use it as a platform toward financial independence. Start somewhere and do something.

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